LK Commute Dot is a variable open-source font inspired by the matrix signs in Helsinki’s metro system. I created this font as a personal project during my time in Helsinki, where I frequently commuted by metro. The design mimics the digital displays found in the city’s metro stations and trains.
LK Commute Dot is a variable font, allowing for flexible adjustments in its appearance. It’s open source and free to download, making it accessible to anyone interested in using it. This project transforms a common element of urban infrastructure into a usable typeface, showing how everyday surroundings can inspire creative work.
Self initiated project 2022
Open Source variable font based on the Helsinki Metro matrix signs
Formats: OTF, TTF (variable), WOFF, WOFF2
Glyphs: 240
Download Variable Typeface v1.0 ↳
LK Commute Dot Regular
We live in an age where you are either judged to have good feelings or bad feelings. I mean in the Victorian era in the 19th century you were judged to be morally good or morally bad in the eyes of some divine power. Nowadays you’re judged, or you feel judged, to have either the right feelings or the wrong feelings. This is a significant shift, we act as if we are being watched and judged 24/7 for the way we feel and the choices we make, while knowing that at the same time nobody is watching. And underlying this is the idea that it all comes from within. So if you have the bad feelings, there’s something wrong inside you. The way you deal with a situation is wrong, you need to be adjusted. But we have a forgotten idea in psychology that says the exact opposite. It says that not all, but a lot of your feelings don’t come from inside you, they come from outside of you.
LK Commute Dot Thin
LK Commute Dot Extra Light
LK Commute Dot Light
LK Commute Dot Regular
LK Commute Dot Medium
LK Commute Dot Semi Bold
LK Commute Dot Bold
Široki Brijeg
LK Commute Dot Extra Bold
LK Commute Dot Black
LK Commute Dot Bold
But we have a forgotten idea in psychology that says the exact opposite. It says that not all, but a lot of our feelings don’t come from inside of us, they come from outside.
Supports multiple languages
Øyvind spiser blåbær på fjellet.
Šuma se širi sve do mora, a čaj je već skuhan.
Le garçon a mangé un croissant sous l’été brûlant.
Fußball ist im Frühling besonders spaßig.
Up ↑ Down ↓ Left ← Right → Distance: 123 km, Speed: 50* km/h, Symbols: ©, ®, ™, Currency: £, €, $. Math: ½ + ¼ = ¾, × ÷ = ∑. Logic: True ≠ False, Weather: ±5°C. Time: 12:45 AM – 3:30 PM. Shapes: { }, [ ], ( ). Punctuation: ! ? : ; ‘ “ « »
LK Commute Dot Glyphs
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LK Commute Dot versatility
Ångström’s study revealed a Český Življenje. The Élan of Æther is Ørsted’s dream: Où êtes-vous? Île in the Öresund. Mañana Škoda is Þú. DŽem is Ñandú’s favorite. Évian süße œuvre of ½ an idea, Çirkin déjà vu. Yâs’s Wörthersee Œuvre: Æble pie with ß and Žak’s Šírka. Ûnion brings Lódź Île across Wäß Čarobno. Føød 12345 is served with £€ and §©®™.